Friday, May 15, 2009

My Guy BeSt frienD ♡

I don't think that me and my guy best friend has ever hung out for more than one hour when we do see each other/hang out with the group. BUT! Recently, me and him hung out at his place on Wednesday night, right after he kindly helped me with my geography essay! (Which I'm relieved to say, it's over! -for now.. *phew*). We were actually planning to go to town and have dinner, but we ended up having dinner at his pace. I must say, even though it wasn't what I usually eat and some people may think it doesn't look like a very appealing dinner. I still ate what I was given. I mean food is food. I LOVE food!! haha. And plus, it was good and filling. 

Anyways! Besides that, we had a great talk. We talked heaps. Random things, our friends, family etc. But the one thing that we (kinda) talked about was when that guy friend of mine asked me out.. I didn't know whether to tell him or not, coz of all the things I've heard about him. telling people lies (like changing what other people tell him or saying things that a certain person has never said). In a way, I didn't want to believe what people say.. coz me and him have bin real tight and he (I HOPE!) has never lied to me. But what they have said, SOME is kind of true.. 

So I wasn't sure whether I should tell him about that guy asking me out and what was keeping me in shock and all. But in the end, I told him. It was very hard to get out.. =( Even though he couldn't really  help me in any way, besides telling me that it was going to be alright and that I can tell/face that guy whenever I'm ready. He was pretty much there for me, telling me  that if I needed someone to talk to, about that guy, then he'll be there for me -seeing as he IS the only one who knows.

After that night, I felt that me and his friendship has been re-connected, to how we were last year. And like I said before in the last blog about him. I know that I NEVER EVER want to lose a friend like him. He can be an idiot, totally random and wierd at times. But I guess, that is the part of him that keeps our friendship alive and how we can talk about anything. Though sometimes, I gotta think about whether I should tell him or not.. coz of those 'rumors'. BUT! obviously, I DO want to trust him and hope that he will NEVER lie to me. Coz I really, really want him to be the one friend, that I can honestly talk to him about anything, without him telling other people.. 

I hope that we'll be best/close friends forever!! ^O^~

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